Nicely done.

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...so very nice and fun to read this dear... I'm a bit jelly. I visited a fancy-schmance second hand store in Bangkok but there weren't any bargains. They had a WWII officer's flight jacket that was gorgeous, but they wanted $200 for it... It was in a high-design strip mall that felt horse-barnish with lots of glass and heavy lumber, sliding entryways, and the whole thing was elevated maybe 4 feet like a loading dock... yeah, warehouses... second hand shops, one after another... Anyway Carson, my Lovely Spawn, You are such a good writer! Keep it up... Crack open your Chucky Schwab account and have a look. Put some moolah in the investment side and buy something like a share of Starbucks... or Marriott... If you own even one share of Marriott, you get big discounts, etc, when you stay there... And leave you dough in there... I bought the schwab US large cap etf (SCHG) (oh, etf is exchange traded fund) with apple, microsoft, google, telsa, etc, in the fund... Two days after I bought it, the shares split four ways. I had purchased two shares. Now I have eight... and they are 27 dollars a share...funds tend to do well. They are professionally managed. Schwab has funds, Vanguard has funds, Blackrock has funds... Stick some money away every month. 20 years from now you'll be rich AF and you can blow off this shizzola and get a ranch in Montana or a nice co-op in Manhattan. Youtube paid me 110$ for 4 months of work and gifts from appreciative fans. I spent it on groceries and bottles of water. Hugs and kisses dear... Keep on Truckin' !!! Pop.

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